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Principal Component Analysis

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The content for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is divided into five separate sections

Understanding Principal Component Analysis

This section covers much of the theory and concepts involved in PCA. Reading this section is not required for performing PCA in Prism, but is extremely valuable for understanding and interpreting the results of this analysis.


How to: Principal Component Analysis

This section provides the steps necessary to perform PCA within Prism, and provides brief explanations for each of the options available when running this analysis, including Principal Component Regression (PCR).


Results of Principal Component Analysis

This section briefly covers each of the results tables and graphs that Prism can generate as part of this analysis, including results from Principal Component Regression (PCR).


Q & A: Principal Component Analysis

This section addresses some commonly raised questions about the theory of PCA, performing PCA in Prism, and understanding PCA results that Prism generates.


Analysis Checklist: Principal Component Analysis

This section includes a brief list of topics that may help ensure that you set up your analysis the way you intended, and that the results you obtained are meaningful for your objectives.

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