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More columns. Prism 6 allows you to enter data in up to 256 data set columns. Prism 5 allowed only 104.

More subcolumns. When creating an XY or grouped table,  Prism 6 allows up to 256 subcolumns per data set (compared to only 52 subcolumns with Prism 5). This lets Prism compute repeated measures two-way ANOVA with more subjects.

Paste link data or results from Prism. You’ve probably encountered situations where you need to copy values from a results table, and then paste onto a data table, perhaps using options in the Paste Special dialog to transpose or rearrange the values. Prism 5 could paste the values, but there was no link, so it was not possible to trace where the values were pasted from, and the pasted values did not update when the original data were edited or replaced. Prism 6 lets you paste link so values pasted onto the data table are linked to their source, and will automatically update.

Reformat a select set of points.  Select any block of data in a data table, right click, and choose Format Points to change the color (or size or shape...) used to graph that subset of points.

Long column titles. With Prism 6, the length of column titles has no real limit. Prism 5 limited the length of column titles, and many people bumped into that limit.

Multiple line titles. Each row or column title can now have two or more lines of text.

Bold, italics and underline. You may also now bold, italicize and underline text in row and column titles (you could always use superscript, subscripts and Greek).

View all column titles at once. A new tab in the Format Data Table dialog of Prism 6 lets you see and edit all the column titles. This saves you from the  scrolling back and forth to edit titles, which was especially tedious with XY or Grouped tables with many subcolumns.




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