New preference in Prism 5.02 to not prompt when saving to a temporary file.

 When you open a file from a temporary folder, Prism 5 is smart. When you click Save, it doesn't just save to that temporary folder. Instead it opens the Save As dialog, so you can save it to a proper (not temporary) folder. This usually makes sense, as there is a good chance the file came from an email and you didn't really want to save back to the temporary folder.

But, we learned, some people do want to save back to the temporary folder. In particular, this makes sense when a Prism file is included in a Microsoft OneNote notebook file. When you double-click to edit, OneNote makes a temporary file and opens it in Prism. When you resave in that same temporary location, OneNote imports that temporary file back into the notebook. But Prism 5.00 and 5.01 added an extra step, popping up the Save As dialog. 

Prism 5.02 offers an option to prevent this. At the top of the File&Printer tab of Preferences is a new option:

  [x]Always prompt when saving to a temporary folder

Uncheck that option, and Prism will save back to a temporary folder (without popping up any dialog) when you click Save. 

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