Graph tip - Formatting the right and left Y axes differently. 

When you create a graph with two Y axes, Prism always creates them with the same length and the same color.

To make the lengths appear different:

  1. Use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle over the part of the axis you don't want to see

  1. Make it white (or whatever your page background is) with a solid fill. Then that axis appears to be shorter.

To give the axes different colors:

  1. Click on one of the axes to select.
  2. Drop the Change menu, and choose Selected Object
  3. Change the color.

You can also change the data set color assigned to that axis. Double-click on a graph symbol to open the Format Graph dialog.

To give the axis numbering a different color or font:

  1. Click on one of the axes to select it.

  1. Use toolbar buttons to change the color or font used to number that axis.


To only have one axis but put in on the right side of the graph:

The first axis created is called the 'left Y axis', but in fact it does not need to be placed on the left side of the graph. It can be anywhere. To put this  axis on the right side of a graph:

  1. Double click on an axis to bring up Format Axis dialog
  2. Go to the first tab, Frame and Origin.

  1. Set the Origin to the lower right. 

To delete the right Y axis:

  1. Double-click on it to bring up the Format Axis dialog, 
  2. Make sure you are on the right Y axis tab.
  3. Drop down the list labeled 'Gaps and direction'.
  4. Choose: No right Y axis. 

Click here to download this file.

Keywords: right axis, right Y-axis, right Y axis, two axes, two Y axes

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