How do I install Prism, InStat, or StaMate on a network? (Mac platform)


** Note: We no longer sell network licenses for GraphPad Prism. This information is for legacy licenses for Prism 5 and earlier.


To install a network license of a GraphPad program, you install it once onto a shared hard drive (which we call a 'server' but can be any hard drive on the network). "Installing" means simply loading files onto the server. Nothing runs on the server, which simply acts as a shared disk drive.

Individuals who use the network version have nothing installed on their computer except a shortcut icon to launch the program. When the program is launched, it is loaded from the server's hard drive into the memory of the individual computer, and it actually runs on that computer.

These instructions are for Macs.  (Windows instructions)

Installing a Macintosh network license 

1.     Install your GraphPad program onto a computer on your network (we call this computer the server). If you are using OS X, install the program into a user's public folder.

2.     Launch the program. The first time it runs, it will ask you for your serial number and network code, which you'll find on your Registration Confirmation. This installation is for your entire network, so when it asks for the user's name and institution, enter your department or institution name rather an individual name.

3.     Enable file sharing. The details depend on which system you use.

Mac OS 8-9: Open the Apple menu, select Control Panel, then select File Sharing, and click the Start button to start file sharing.

Mac OS X: Open the Apple menu, select System Preferences, select Sharing, check Personal File Sharing (if it is not checked) in the list of Services, and then click the Start button.

4.     Share the program folder. To do this, select the program folder, open the File menu, and then select Get Info. After that, the details depend on which System you use.

Mac OS 8-9: Select Sharing, check the box to share program folder and its content, choose the groups and users you want to access program, and set the permissions to allow reading and writing. Click Copy to extend these settings to the licenses folder.

Mac OS X: Select "Ownership and Permissions", choose the groups and users you want to access program, set the permission of the Prism folder to allow reading and writing, and then click "Apply to enclosed items" button to extend the settings to licenses folder.

5.     Write-protect or Lock the program files.

You must either write-protect the program application folder "and enclosed files," or lock the program files. If you write-protect the program folder, however, each user must have permission to write to the Licenses folder within the program folder. The program will not run if the licenses folder is write-protected.

Instead of write-protecting the application folder, you can lock the program files.  To do this:

  1. Quit Prism on all the computers on the network.
  2. Locate and select the Prism program file
  3. Click Command-I to open File Info (or choose Get Info from the File menu).
  4. Select the option “Locked.”
  5. Create an alias on each workstation. To do this, open the shared program folder, and select the program. While holding Option+Command, drag the program to your desktop.

Important network information:

Each workstation will have its own Preferences file, but all users will access the same set of templates and assistants stored in the program folder.

If you install an expiring site license, then it is essential that each individual computer must be logged in with using an admin account the first time that Prism is used.

GraphPad programs monitor the number of people using the program at any given time. If someone tries to launch the program, but all licenses are in use, the program won’t start. Whenever this happens, the program adds a line to the file named "lockout.txt" with the date and time. Monitor this file to see if additional licenses are needed.

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If you have problems installing your network, please submit your request at

Keywords: install mac network

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