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Before graphing or analyzing your data, you may first need to do some calculations to get your data into proper form. While Prism is not as versatile as Excel, Prism can do many data manipulations. From the data table, click analyze button on the toolbar, and choose transform , normalize , transpose, prune or remove baseline.



Results will appear on a new results tab with a green grid. While you cannot edit these results, you can create a new graph (use the New... button) and do further analyses (click the Analyze button).

What if Prism doesn't offer the tools you need to manipulate your data? In that case, you should enter and manipulate your data in Excel, and then copy and paste the results into Prism for further analysis and graphing. Note that you can paste a link to the Excel file or you can paste embed the entire Excel workbook within Prism. Learn more about linking and embedding data from Excel.






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