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Navigation: Error bars and replicates

Replicates and error bars on Grouped graphs

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Choosing error bars for a grouped graph

When you create a Grouped table, choices on the Welcome or New Table dialog let you specify side-by-side subcolumns for entry of replicates, or subcolumns for entry of error values computed elsewhere. Learn more about Grouped tables.

Note an important distinction: With XY and Grouped tables, replicates are entered into side-by-side subcolumns; with Column data, replicates are stacked into columns.

When you create a grouped graph, the Plot drop down menu gives you many choices for error bars. Return to this dialog using Change..Graph Type.

replicates 8

If you choose to enter error values directly, Prism will plot the values you entered (except that when you enter %CV, Prism plots the SD). If you entered Mean, SD (or SEM) and N, you can choose (on the graph) to plot the error bars as SD, SEM or 95% CI.






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