What's new in Prism 5.04 (Windows) and 5.0d (Mac)


Updating to Prism 5.04 (Windows) and 5.0d (Mac) is  free to everyone who owns a license to Prism 5. For Windows users, 5.04 is the last release of Prism 5. Mac users should update to 5.0f

If you are using an version of Prism 5 prior to 5.03 or 5.0c, see the list of changes and fixes in 5.01 (5.0b), the list of changes in 5.02 and 5.0b, and the list of changes in 5.03 and 5.0c.

Integration with LabArchives

LabArchives is is an innovative web-based product to enable researchers to store, organize, and publish their research data. Far more than an Electronic Laboratory Notebook, LabArchives stores and catalogs all of your research for easy retrieval and publication.

Everyone who owns a license to GraphPad Prism can get a free account on LabArchives. To get started, click the "LA" button on the right of the 5.04/5.0d toolbar, or drop the File menu and choose LabArchives. 

You can send Prism files in LA with a single click. The new command is called LabArchive It.

Fixes to data analysis

  • Fixed bug in multiple comparisons tests following two-way ANOVA with tables with three or more data set columns could result in incorrect designation of statistical significance (confidence intervals were always correct). 
  • When you choose Fisher's exact test to analyze a contingency table, Prism switches to the chi-square test when the sample size is large. If you ask for a one-tail P value in this case, Prism reported a two-tail P value instead. Fixed.
  • Fixed initial value of  LogKB  in the allosteric ec50 shift equation.
  • Fixed bug in correlation analysis. It did not calculate results when you chose only selected data sets in the Analyze dialog.

Important fixes

Minor fixes

  • Much faster importing of data with more than six digits after the decimal (Mac only). 
  • Fixed the problem that correlation analysis could not be run again after nonparametric correlation was interrupted. 
  • Fixed the problem that made it impossible to perform the correlation analysis after transforming data table.
  • It is now possible to click the "Text" tool while holding Shift, to create multiple text objects. 
  • Fixed the problem that made it sometimes impossible to set minimum X value to a value other then zero in the "Format Axes" dialog. 
  • Improved pasting of column titles onto data tables with subcolumns. 
  • X axis labels in Grouped axes no longer spontaneously change from row titles to column titles
  • Better magic. No longer incorrectly changes the legends' symbol  color.
  • Fixed the problem when area fill on the graph appeared blank in exported PDF file.
  • Opens Prism 4 files without sometimes losing the bottom line of plain frame axis.
  • Made Prism smarter about opening files from future versions of Prism.
  • One-way ANOVA is smarter about handling data sets with no data.
  • The Windows buttons to minimize or resize the Prism window now works on all displays (with prior versions those buttons only worked on the primary display). 
  • Fixed the problem when restoring the computer from sleep sometimes broke open OLE links between Prism and PowerPoint.  
  • Fixed Y axis range for graphs of cumulative frequency distributions plotted as relative frequencies (fractions). 
  • The horizontal lines plotted at the mean or median on scatter graphs are now positioned correctly even when spacing between columns was customized. 
  • The "Send to PowerPoint..." command on the File menu is no longer gray when you are on a graph.
  • The shortcut Ctrl+H can be used to Send to PowerPoint.
  • Fixed appearance of gridlines when exported to EMF, and then Imported in Adobe Illustrator CS 5. 
  • P values less than 0.0001 are now summarized with four asterisks
  • Prism now correctly changes only the date of last edit, and not the creation date, when it saves a file. (Mac only).
  • Fixed autobackup system. In rare cases, it was possible for the automatically restored file to be older than the saved version. 
  • Fixed the color of text in floating notes, so text doesn't become invisible. (Mac only)
  • Fixed some bugs in pasting data from Excel using scientific notation (Mac only).
  • Fixed the problem when Prism did not warn if you constrained a parameters to be constant in nonlinear regression, but didn't actually enter a value. (Bug was in Mac only.)
  • Prism now remembers the width and height values entered in the "Position..." dialog used to determine where objects belong on the page. (Bug was in Windows only.)
  • Fixed DuplicateFamily script command. If you give it the argument "" (two quotation marks with no spaces in between), it will duplicate all sheet names without adding a prefix. (Windows only bug.)
  • Fixed the problem where text objects linked to an info constant sometimes linked to a different info constant after running a script. (The bug was Windows only.)

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