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Prism 10.3.0
Prism 10.3.0 was released on July 31, 2024.
Welcome to Prism 10.3.0!
More advanced statistical methods, machine-learning algorithms, sample size and power analysis, new stunning visualizations, modern authentication and license provisioning tools. This Prism release has it all, including:
- Sample size and power analysis*: quickly determine the number of samples or subjects that you need for your experimental design; explore the relationships between sample size and power; investigate the smallest detectable effect size when working with a limited number of samples or subjects.
- Hierarchical clustering**: uncover the natural connections between observations in your data. This machine learning technique allows you to investigate how closely different observations are related to each other and uncover groupings within your data.
- K-means clustering**: specify a target number of clusters, and this machine learning algorithm will partition your data, iteratively grouping the most similar observations together and adjusting cluster assignments.
- Dendrograms**: visualize the hierarchical relationships from clustering analyses. Use dendrograms as an independent graph or as part of a heatmap from the output of hierarchical clustering.
- Confidence ellipses and convex hulls**: visually represent estimates for the parameters that define the population from which your data were drawn, or clearly indicate the boundaries for groups of data on your graphs.
- TeX-rendered equations for nonlinear regression: add high-quality, formatted equations from nonlinear regression onto your graphs. Insert formulas that include best-fit parameter values directly beside your graphed curves.
- And much more!!
* Requires a Prism Cloud Workspace, available for subscriptions with named-user licenses
** Available only for subscriptions with Prism Enterprise licenses
Sample Size and Power Analysis

Access the ability to perform sample size calculations and power analysis through your Prism Cloud workspace. Determine the required sample size for your experiment, or investigate the relationships between sample size, power, and effect size. Access Prism Cloud's Sample Size and Power Analysis calculator from directly within the Prism Welcome dialog.
Hierarchical Clustering

One of two new machine learning algorithms to investigate groups or clusters of observations within your data. Hierarchical clustering builds a tree-like structure of relationships, showing how similar or dissimilar each observation in your data is from other observations or groups. Visualize the results as a clustered heatmap or as individual dendrograms.
[Enterprise license required]
K-means Clustering

The second machine learning algorithm introduced in Prism 10.3.0 along with hierarchical clustering. Specify a specific number of clusters or a range of clusters to analyze with your data, and Prism will iteratively optimize cluster assignments for each observation in your data.
[Enterprise license required]

Visualize the relationships between groups identified as part of hierarchical clustering analysis. Customize your graph by specifying a specific number of clusters or a cut height for the dendrogram.
[Enterprise license required]
Confidence Ellipses and Convex Hulls

Enhance the results of your clustering analyses or simply highlight groups within your datasets by adding confidence ellipses or convex hulls to your multiple variables graphs. Confidence ellipses are a great way to indicate the expected location of population parameter values (such as the mean), while convex hulls are an excellent choice to demonstrate group boundaries on your graphs.
[Enterprise license required]
TeX-rendered equations

Nonlinear regression in Prism allows you to fit a curve to your data by determining best-fit parameters values for the selected model. Graphing this curve allows you to demonstrate the nonlinear relationship within your recorded data. Now, you can display these best-fit parameter values for your curve directly on your graph, giving any reader all the information that they need in one place.
Complete Release Notes
New Features
- Implemented the hierarchical clustering analysis
- Implemented the K-means clustering analysis
- Added new sample "files" for both hierarchical clustering and K-means clustering analyses
- Implemented TeX-rendered equations
- Added TeX representation on the Model tab of the Nonlinear regression parameters dialog
- Allowed copying of TeX representation of equations from Prism to other apps
- Allowed inserting of the TeX representation of the fitted model on a graph from the Insert Analysis Constant dialog
- Added Sample Size and Power section to the Welcome dialog
Feature Improvements
- Implemented reordering of variables by dragging them in the "Select column" tab of the "Select and Transform" dialog.
- Added radio buttons in the 'Parameters: Nested t Test' and 'Parameters: Nested One-way ANOVA' dialogs for dropping the random effect when variance=0.
- Added an option to the Graph Inspector that allows choosing the source of symbol label - variable or row title.
- Moved the Symbol label options to the new “Labels” sub-tab in the Graph Inspector.
- Removed Borders controls from Size tab of Symbols object in the Data Tab of the Inspector.
- Improved navigation in the Inspector by changing the color of the section headers in the 'Data' tab to make it more prominent.
- Added the 'Add Pairwise Comparisons' item to the 'Change' main menu.
- Changed the default graph type from Interleaved scatter graph to Superimposed scatter for grouped graphs created from data entered manually with a single replicate.
- Improved the usability of the 'Format Graph' dialog for multiple variables graphs by opening it on the last used tab by default.
- Made Prism show prefixes (currency sign) between the negative sign and the value for annotations on a graph.
- Made Prism treat string values in a continuous variable set for symbol size as "Smaller than minimum" and assign them the minimum size.
- Made string values in a continuous variable set for symbol color be treated as "Outside range" and assigned their respective color.
- Made the 'SetGraphTitle' script command recognize End of Line characters.
- Removed the automatic line at Y=0 on the left Y-axis for Estimation plots to reduce confusion.
- Added the new <working-dir> tag in prism-config.xml to change the path to the auto-backup files.
- (Mac) Implemented the Dark Mode appearance for the Info sheets.
- (Mac) Removed the "Duplicate" command from the File menu for PZFX/PZF projects
- (Mac) Improved the "Kind" property for Prism files to improve their appearance in macOS Finder
- Improved Prism’s file auto-recovery functionality to cover a variety of identified issues which caused corruption of the file contents
- Updated Prism's activation window so that it is now resizable
- Renamed the analysis constant for "One sample t and Wilcoxon test" to "# Number of values"
- (Windows) Made the appearance of tabs in the 'Format Graph' dialog for multiple variables graphs consistent with the appearance of other tabbed dialogs in Prism.
- (Windows) Updated the installation behavior of Prism so that it is may now be installed in a folder without a version number
- Optimized the Nested t-test analysis performance and made Prism avoid recalculations of it after changing particular parameters in the parameters dialog.
- Optimized the Simple linear regression analysis performance and made Prism avoid recalculations of it after changing particular parameters in the parameters dialog.
- Improved the performance of opening Prism projects containing large input data tables with formatted column titles and analyses comparing cell means regardless of rows and columns. Prism 10 is now faster than Prism 9 for these operations.
- Improved the performance of rendering grouped graphs with large data sets (4x15000) in the preview of the Change Graph Type dialog so that Prism 10 is now faster than Prism 9.
- Improved the performance of switching to the global info sheet in a project with a huge multiple variables data table and linked analyses (>~140k rows)
- (Windows) Improved the performance of opening Prism projects with survival analysis linked to a data table with missing values. These actions are now ~3x faster compared to Prism 10.2
- (Windows) Improved the performance of saving Prism projects with survival analysis linked to a data table with missing values
- (Windows) Improved the performance of saving Prism projects with many hundreds (>500) of data tables and graph sheets
- (Windows) Improved the performance of rendering grouped graphs with a large amount of data (>100x5x50)
- (Windows) Improved the performance of switching to heat maps rendering large amounts of data (>~200k values)
- (Mac) Improved the performance of Prism 10 when switching between sheets in a project with graphs and results from large input data tables (1600 rows by 15 columns, tens of thousands of values) so that it is now faster than Prism 9.
- (Mac) Improved the performance of switching to XY data tables with a huge amount of data (tens of thousands of rows)
- (Mac) Improved the performance of redrawing a graph after updating values in a huge time-formatted XY data table (tens of thousands of values)
Analysis-related Bug Fixes
- Improved stability of nonlinear regression with Poisson weighting.
- Improved reporting of ratio of probabilities for comparison of fits in the results of Nonlinear regression.
- Fixed the issue when the interpolated standard curve was cut off at the smallest points when the scatter of points was large and a logarithmic scale was set for the X-axis.
- Fixed the issue when large P values were not shown for the F test to compare variances in the unpaired t-test result.
- Fixed the issue when it was impossible to fit a data set with the Poisson regression method if there were zeros in the source data table.
- Fixed the issue when 'Variation within subcolumns' constants of Nested t test and Nested One-way ANOVA analyses appeared as 'Variation among subcolumn means' constants and vice-versa.
- Fixed the issue when a blank data set was shown on the results sheet of 'Simple linear regression' and 'Deming (Model II) linear regression' analysis if an empty data set was inserted and then removed from the input data table.
- Fixed the issue when an empty data set was shown on the results sheet of the 'Identify outliers' analysis if an empty data set was inserted and then removed from the data table.
- Fixed the issue when incorrect names of data sets appeared in the 'Table Analyzed' section of results sheets with 'Nested t test' analysis after deleting an empty data set from the source data table.
- Fixed the issue when no P value was present in the 'Runs test' section of the Nonlinear regression result sheet calculated for some specific data.
- Fixed the issue when some results disappeared from the Correlation results sheet after recalculation if previously empty data sets were added and then removed from the source data table.
- Fixed the issue when the results sheet of 'Compare observed distribution with expected' analysis appeared blank if a new data set was inserted into the data table to the left of the analyzed data set.
- Fixed the issue when the names of the datasets analyzed on results sheets were not updated after deleting a previously added empty data set from the source data table.
- Fixed the issue when the results sheet with 'Chi-square (and Fisher's exact) test' analysis appeared empty if an empty data set was added and deleted from the data table.
- Fixed the issue in when the calculation of SEM did not use the available paired differences only if sphericity was not assumed in RM ANOVA
- Fixed the issue when nothing happened on performing the "Recalculate All" operation for Simulate XY data if the project was created in Prism 9 or Prism 10.0.3 and re-opened in Prism 10.1.2-10.3.0
- Fixed the issue in which incorrect values appeared in the results sheets of the "Bland-Altman method comparison" analysis if an empty data set was inserted into the data table and then removed after saving the projects and re-opening
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the nonlinear regression curve unexpectedly reappeared after removing it from a graph and duplicating a family of sheets.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue in which an empty "Remove baseline and column math". result sheet appeared after adding an empty data set to the source data and changing the analysis parameters
- (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the parameters of the "Simple logistic regression" analysis were unexpectedly changed in the .prism project after using the "Undo" command
- (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the results of the Simple Survival analysis appeared empty in the re-opened project saved in the .PZF format
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the 1/Y weighting option in the 'Parameters: Nonlinear Regression' dialog was unexpectedly reset to 1/Y^2 after saving a Prism project.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the previously selected pairs for multiple comparisons disappeared from the One-way ANOVA results sheet in a project created in Prism 7-Prism 9.3.1.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when empty data sets were not removed from the results sheet of the 'Fraction of total' analysis after deleting them from the related input data table.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the results sheet of the 'Extract and rearrange' analysis appears blank after deleting an empty data set to the left of the variable assigned to the analysis.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Compare cell means with others in its row and its column" radio button appeared selected rather than the "Compare means of cells that differ by only one factor" radio button in the "Parameters: Three-way ANOVA" dialog
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which empty columns remained in the results sheet of the "Simulate column data" analysis after changing the number of simulated data sets
Graphing Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue when the error bars direction option in the Format Graph dialog did not work for grouped and nested graphs with negative bars.
- Fixed the issue when pairwise comparison lines dropped down to the top of the plotting area of the grouped interleaved graph instead of the top of the bars.
- Fixed the issue when the multiple variables graph unexpectedly shifted upward on the sheet every time a change was applied in the Format Axes dialog.
- Fixed the issue when data points and legends on grouped three-way interleaved bar graphs were lost after saving to .pzfx format.
- Fixed the issue when images with low color depth imported into a graph or layout in Prism 9 appeared corrupted after re-saving the Prism project in Prism 10.
- Fixed the issue when a color assignment was lost on a multiple variables graph after altering variables in the source data table.
- Fixed the issue when a color defined for a data set in the 'Parts of whole' graph with a color scheme was unexpectedly reverted after altering the source data tables.
- Fixed the issue when a regular axis tick and label were not removed from the graph if 'show additional instead of regular ticks' was selected in the 'Format Axes' dialog.
- Fixed the issue when an unnecessary tick was displayed on the X-axis of a multiple variables graph when the axis was segmented and major or minor grids were selected.
- Fixed the issue when drawings were lost after changing the graph type to a multiple variables graph from any other type.
- Fixed the issue when duplicated graphs generated by 'Principal Component Analysis' or 'Cox proportional hazards regression' analyses appeared blank after unfreezing them if previously the 'Duplicate Family' operation was performed.
- Fixed the issue when the front/back position of the CLD labels was not saved after changing its location on a graph.
- Fixed the issue when graphs set as default for the nonlinear regression analysis appeared for the 'Interpolate a standard curve' analysis after changing parameters in the saved .prism project.
- Fixed the issue when info or an analysis constant appeared on the sheet of a multiple variables graph instead of the drawing if it was inserted via the context menu.
- Fixed the issue when the distance between the X-axis and its title changed while nudging the graph.
- Fixed the issue when the embedded table was not updated on the sheet with a multiple variables graph after changing the range for Y values in the 'Format Embedded Table' dialog.
- Fixed the issue when the font for the CLD labels was not changed after applying the Magic tool.
- Fixed the issue in which zigzag lines on a graph were incorrectly rendered in legacy Prism files
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when a whole layout sheet was copied into MS Office instead of just a selected graph(s).
- (Windows) Fixed the issue with corrupted data point labels on multiple variables graphs created by PCA analysis.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Above bar & Error bar' annotations for separated scatter graphs with bars were shown on the error bars instead of above them if the data set had negative values.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'None' choice of the Border thickness option in the Format Embedded Table dialog did not work.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when it was not possible to add a graph title on a graph with corrupted additional tick labels on the axis.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when labels of data points on a horizontal scatter plot graph unexpectedly appeared vertically.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when graphs copied from another Prism project to the layout in a given project were exported to PDF in poor quality.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when individual formatting of lines on the 'Before-After' graph with the 'Lines only' plotted was not saved to the Prism project.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when custom settings from the 'Define Color Scheme' dialog were not applied to the bubble plot graph if the 'Apply to current graph' radio button was selected in the 'Apply scheme' section.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when individual formatting was not saved for the original graph in the reopened project saved in the .prism format after performing the 'Duplicate family' operation.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when it was impossible to change the drawing object's border style, thickness, and color on a multiple variables graph if the 'None' thickness option was applied in the 'Format Object dialog.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when it was not possible to change the font for CLD labels via the 'Format Text...' menu.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when resizing knobs could not be removed from grouped drawings added to a non-multiple variables graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when resizing knobs did not appear on selecting the multiple variables heatmap graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the font of a text object was reset to Arial after pasting it to a multiple variables graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when an unlinked multiple variables graph on the layout sheet became tiny with a huge scaling factor to match the other graphs.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when unfrozen graphs generated by 'Principal Component Analysis' or 'Cox proportional hazards regression' analyses appeared empty if previously the results sheet was deleted and 'Undo' operation was performed.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when Wingding symbols were replaced with squares in a text object pasted to graph sheet with a multiple variables graph copied from any other graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Decimals' option for regular axis ticks could not be applied when 'Number Format' was set to 'Antilog' in the 'Format Axes' dialog.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the plain frame around the graph plotting area unexpectedly crossed the X axis.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the table pasted into the layout sheet from MS Excel was shown as pixels in the exported PDF/WMF file
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when guidelines did not appear on rulers enabled for graphs so that it was hard to see the exact position of the guideline.
- (Mac) Fixed an inability to enlarge a graph on the layout by equalizing the scaling factor.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the bottom border of the 'Vertical slices' type of the Parts of Whole graph appeared thinner than actually defined in the Format Graph dialog.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the currently typed symbol was not visible while typing the graph/axis title or any text object if 150% zoom was applied to the sheet.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when row titles enabled as labels for data points on a graph unexpectedly disappeared/reappeared while zooming.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when symbols, lines, and error bars were unexpectedly sent to a foreground on a graph instead of being behind the area fill of a different data set.
- (Mac) Fixed the corrupted appearance of borders around the text box added to the layout if there was underlined text with parentheses.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when locked graphs on the layout sheet were cut or disappeared on switching sheet from landscape to portrait orientation.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when a graph legend symbol appeared corrupted if there was underlined text on a graph.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the embedded table on a multiple variables graph became corrupted upon performing the Undo action after including row/column titles or changing the table orientation in the 'Format Embedded Table' dialog.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when Symbol sizes controls in the Inspector appeared corrupted.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the embedded table on a multiple variables plot became corrupted after performing the Undo action to include row/column titles or changing the table orientation in the "Format Embedded Table" dialog
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which text objects disappeared from the graph sheet during the Distribute action on a multiple variables graph
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when selecting the "None" item in the "Thickness" dropdown of the "Format Object" dialog invoked for the closed drawing object on a multiple variables graph was impossible
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the Symbols size control appeared corrupted
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which an empty "Parts of whole" graph was unexpectedly shown after altering values in the source data table that was previously duplicated
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which graphs generated by the PCA analysis included incorrect axis range intervals and appeared corrupted after changing the analysis parameters
Prism Cloud-related Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue when the graph preview didn't show in Prism Cloud if the graph had a text object with Unicode emoji symbols.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Publish to Prism Cloud' pop-up was shown after an unsuccessful attempt to update the project with changes that made the project exceed publication limits.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on publishing a project to the Cloud that contained an unvisited survival graph sheet.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when WingDing symbols on graphs and layouts were replaced by other symbols in Prism Cloud.
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed the crash on switching to a result sheet with Control vs All design of Pearson Correlation analysis in which a data set was missing a name.
- Fixed the freezes on switching to a histogram with separated lines while all data in a sourced data table was excluded.
- Fixed the issue when the data table linked to the current graph was not selected by default in the 'Add Data Sets to Graph' dialog on adding data sets.
- Fixed the file corruption that occurred when changing the decimal format in the data table leading to the creation of empty data sets within the .prism file.
- Fixed the issue when an incorrect date was shown on a data table for X-axis labels for dates in a leap year if the minimum range and 'Starting at X' options have an earlier date than the first date in the data table.
- Fixed the issue when it was impossible to paste a single value with a link from one data table to another if numerous linked cells exist in a target data table.
- Fixed the issue when it was impossible to set the required value for the 'Starting at X' option in the 'Format Axes' dialog if X values were represented as dates.
- Fixed the issue when the capitalization of the variable level names of the multiple variables data table was unexpectedly changed when shown in the "Format Data Table" dialog.
- Fixed the crash on inserting a new data set to a data table that was previously completely copied and pasted into the graph sheet with a multiple variables graph.
- Fixed the crash that occurred when saving a family as a separate project if it contained a Monte Carlo analysis performed for simulated column data if the duplication of the sheet was previously undone.
- Fixed the crash on switching to the frozen 'Geometric mean of ratios' graph generated for the 't test' analysis if the parameters of the analysis were changed.
- Fixed the freeze on adding an additional tick to the axis of a multiple variables graph if Reverse direction and Log 10 scaling were used for the axis when the 'Instead of regular ticks' option was selected.
- Fixed the issue when a truncated comparison name was present in the 'Comparison on Graph' tab of the 'Format Pairwise Comparisons' dialog for Unpaired t test analysis.
- Fixed the issue when fields appeared blank in the 'Rows' section of the 'Select rows' tab in the re-invoked 'Parameters: Select and Transform' dialog after re-opening the project saved in the .prism format.
- Fixed the issue when grey info notes appeared on the graph sheet with a multiple variables graph if they were previously disabled in Prism's preferences.
- Fixed the issue when linked data became unlinked after reopening the .prism project if the path or filename for the linked data contained non-Latin symbols.
- Fixed the issue when no column titles were present in 'Definition of a 'hit' section in the Hits tab of the Monte Carlo parameters dialog.
- Fixed the issue when the 'Export' script command overwrote the existing output file when multiple sheets in the loop script had the same name.
- Fixed the issue when the 'Insert Compact Letter Display' item was present in the contextual menu for unsupported graph types.
- Fixed the issue when the 'Pairwise Comparisons' item was dimmed in the 'Insert' main menu for appropriate type graphs that had no linked analysis or linked to analysis that didn't generate pairwise comparisons.
- Fixed the issue when a script loop did not properly process .prism files using the file extension variable ('%X').
- Fixed the crash on switching to the frozen 'Geometric mean of ratios' graph generated for the 't test' analysis.
- Fixed the issue when the data table format unexpectedly changed from 'Mean & SD' to 'Mean & %CV' after saving the file in the .prism format.
- Fixed the issue when changes to the X Elapsed times column of a data table were not saved.
- Fixed the issue when the wrong floating note appeared on a frozen graph that was changed from a multiple variables graph in which symbol sizes were scaled from the largest defined symbol size to a non-multiple variables graph
- Fixed the issue in which Prism files became corrupted when the system disk was out of space
- (Windows) Fixed the issue with the bottom project navigator when it unexpectedly switched from one family of sheets to another.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the “Graphs or placeholders” options in the Create New Layout dialog were unexpectedly disabled after switching between options in the "Arrangement of graphs" section.
- (Japanese) Fixed issue when Prism crashed if installed over the newer version of English Prism.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the header row of the results did not align with the rest of the table, and the rest of the first column was partially hidden on the high DPI scale levels set in the Display setting in the Windows Control panel.
- (Windows) Fixed the data and result table rendering issue that occurred after opening the Prism file on a PC with a higher display scale level than the file was saved on.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Simple Linear Regression' analysis result sheet was rendered incorrectly with high display scale levels set in the system Control Panel.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when Prism 10 did not properly update the MostRecentVersion value in the .pzfx file when saving.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when spaces were unexpectedly removed from row or column titles with superscript or subscript characters after copying them within Prism's data tables
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when it was impossible to enter slash symbols '/' in the info table.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when an automatic floating note unexpectedly appeared on top of the 'Format Axes' and 'Format Graph' dialogs after applying changes to a graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when changes to floating notes were unexpectedly lost after saving the Prism project.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when data tables and linked graphs were not renamed when you ran a Prism script to import CSV files and duplicate families.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when decimal places were unexpectedly lost when you chose to copy "as many as visible" decimal places and pasted data as a link within a data table.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on applying the 'Horizontal' direction to a graph after removing a data set from it.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on opening a .pzfx project with graphs generated from an analysis and saved in the graph gallery mode.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on recalculating analyses if the name of the source data table sheet was very long.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on removing custom text from the autocomplete list for objects with text on multiple variables graph sheets.
- (Windows) Fixed the crash on switching to a layout sheet in a .pzf or .pzfx file that contained a previously deleted multiple variables graph.
- (Windows) Fixed the freeze when switching to a graph with an imported image and a constant inserted into the legend text after deleting data from the source data table.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when all data disappeared from an orphaned analysis in the reopened project saved in the .prism format if not all data sets were analyzed.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when an incorrect number of data tables was shown in the alert on performing the 'Delete Entire Family' operation.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when an unlinked graph that was added to the layout sheet from another Prism project was replaced with another graph from the current project.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Cannot add pairwise comparisons/compact letter display' alert appeared on adding pairwise comparisons/CLDs on the graph if data from another data table was previously added and then that data table was deleted.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Compact Letter Display' item was dimmed in the 'Insert' main menu for appropriate type graphs that had no linked analysis or linked to analysis that didn't generate CLD.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Compact Letter Display' item was dimmed in the 'Insert' main menu for the graph sheet linked to more than one analysis that generates CLD.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Help' button for symbol size, legend, and connecting line items in the 'Format Graph' dialog of the bubble plot graph led to the wrong URLs.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Mean of the last rows' field duplicated the value from the 'Mean of the first rows' field represented as a hooked constant in the parameters dialog of 'Area Under Curve' analysis.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the 'Plot' field in the 'Style' section appeared blank after changing the appearance of the data set from 'Bar' to any other in the 'Format Graph' dialog.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the alert ‘The file is read-only, or it is in use' appeared on opening a project via the 'Clone a graph' option that had an analysis with a hooked value in the parameters.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the alert 'This file cannot be saved' appeared on opening project whose thumbnails were observed in the 'Recently used examples' of the Magic dialog.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue when the results and graph sheets of the 'Extract and rearrange' analysis were not renamed properly when orphaned.
- (Windows) Fixed the issue with a disappearing link added on the floating note after project saving and reopening.
- (Mac) Fixed the crash on resizing a graph with pairwise comparison lines by either the "Resize Graph" command or changing the graph page orientation from portrait to landscape or vice versa.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when memory usage abnormally increases on recalculating Monte-Carlo analysis with a huge number of simulations.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when it was impossible to set a color scheme with a number in its title as default in Prism preferences.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when parameter titles (first column) in tabular analysis results were missing in the Dark Mode.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when it was impossible to change the 'Arrow Direction', 'Arrowhead Style', or 'Arrowhead Size' options for arrow objects on layouts from the context menu.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when subcolumn titles in data tables were arbitrarily adjusted to the left or right when you copied them within Prism.
- (Mac) Fixed the crash on changing the color of symbols on a multiple variables graph in which the option 'Single color' was selected and only the Color legend was shown.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the Line section appeared too far in the Inspector if the 'Show Connecting Lines' option was turned on in the 'Format Graph' dialog.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the 'Pairwise comparisons lines' option was enabled in the 'Magic Step 2' dialog if the example graph was a multiple variables graph.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the 'Compact Letter Display' item was absent in the 'Change' main menu.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when some commands were shown as black text on a dark background in the 'GraphPad Prism Scripts' dialog in the Dark Mode.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when some areas of the results sheet appeared corrupted on scrolling after changing the "Show scroll bars" option in the System Settings.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the project became marked as 'Edited' each time the Info sheet was selected.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the .prism file was marked as 'Edited' after re-opening it on the Info sheet.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the .prism files weren't indexed by Spotlight correctly
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which it was impossible to select the 'None' item in the 'Thickness' dropdown of the 'Format Object' dialog invoked for the closed drawing object on a multiple variables graph.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the option "Compare cell means with others in its row and its column" was selected by default instead of "Compare means of cells that differ by only оne factor" in the ‘Parameters: Three-way ANOVA’ dialog.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when it was impossible to remove a duplicated family if it contained a Monte Carlo result sheet and the file was saved in the .pzf or .pzfx format.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the 'Cannot add pairwise comparisons' alert did not appear on enabling pairwise comparisons if data was previously changed and the results sheet was blank.
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the currently typed symbol was not visible while typing the graph/axis title or any text object if 150% zoom was applied to the sheet
- (Mac)Fixed the incorrect contextual menu invoked for Pairwise comparison lines after applying some changes to them
- (Mac) Added the hint to the Graph Inspector when no data was selected to plot
- (Mac) Fixed the issue when the "Individual values" tab in the "Change Graph Type" dialog unexpectedly appeared active instead of the "Three-way" tab invoked for the three-way ANOVA sample data
- (Mac) Fixed the issue with rendering the "Next/Previous Group" buttons in the Format Graph dialog on older macOS versions
Analyze, graph and present your scientific work easily with GraphPad Prism. No coding required.