Prism 8.3.0 Release Notes

Prism 8.3.0 was released on October 28, 2019.

Introducing Logistic Regression

You've been asking for it, and we've delivered: Simple Logistic Regression and Multiple Logistic Regression are now available in Prism 8.3.0!

A quick overview

One of the most top-requested features has continuously been the ability to perform logistic regression with Prism. In many experiments, your measurement of interest can only take on one of two possible outcomes: yes or no, 1 or 0, "event occurred" or "event didn't occur". In these situations, the right analysis for the job is often logistic regression, and with the release of Prism 8.3.0, we're very excited to announce that this analysis is now available to you. In fact, Prism 8.3.0 actually introduces two separate - but very similar - analyses:

Simple Logistic Regression

Multiple Logistic Regression

Stay connected

Your feedback and suggestions made logistic regression in Prism a reality. Do you have other ideas for new features? Suggestions for improvements to existing features? Email us at to let us know!

Complete Release Notes for Prism 8.3.0

New Features

  • Implemented Simple logistic regression from XY data tables
  • Implemented Multiple logistic regression from Multiple variables data tables

Feature Improvements

  • Added an alert regarding data mismatch for 'One-way ANOVA (and nonparametric or mixed)' analysis if data sets were excluded resulting in fewer than three data sets in the analysis
  • Updated the name of the 'Linear regression' analysis to 'Simple linear regression'
  • Added analytical representations of polynomial functions (5th, 6th, and 10th order)
  • Improved auto-recovery of Prism files under specific situations

Performance (Speed) Improvements

  • Improved performance of nonlinear regression that uses Gaddum-Schild equations
  • (Windows) Improved performance of copying and pasting data sets with a huge number of rows
  • (Windows) Improved performance of importing TXT data
  • (Windows) Improved performance of selecting thumbnails in the combined gallery view of Data+results sheets
  • (Mac) Improved performance when first switching to 'Open a File' tab on the Welcome dialog
  • (Mac) Improved Navigator performance for large projects

Analysis Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue in which the one-sample t-test produced empty results for replicated data if each subcolumn was analyzed separately
  • Fixed the issue in which LogEC50 and HillSlope results were replaced with "???" and the results for EC50 were empty when using the "Identify "unstable" parameters" option
  • Fixed the issue in which LOWESS/Smoothing splines would generate incorrect residuals when input XY table contained replicates
  • Fixed the Y title for the residual plot generated from Fit spline/LOWESS analysis
  • Improved the accuracy of interpolation on the bounds of the data range using Akima splines
  • Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash when performing "Transform" analysis with Rank Y transform and interchange XY, while one column contained a title but no data
  • Fixed the issue in which Normalize each sub column separately could not be selected in the Normalize dialog if the first data set was deleted from the source data table
  • Added a link to the Curve Fitting Guide from the descriptions of analyses of "Dose-response - Special, X is concentration" family
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Subcolumns" section of the "Parameters: Normalize" dialog was unexpectedly greyed out if the first data set of the source data table was empty
  • (Windows) Fixed issue in which Prism would crash when performing 'Multiple linear regression' after adding more than 256 components to the model
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which "β0" was reported in the "Hook Constant" dialog if "Multiple Linear Regression" analysis was performed without an intercept
  • (Windows, 32-bit only) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash while changing parameters for Two-way ANOVA when the result sheet was orphaned
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the 'Geo. mean of ratios CI plot' results sheet of a t test appeared as "Mean, Upper Limit/Lower Limit" instead of "Geometric Mean/Upper Limit/Lower Limit"
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which 'narrative results' appeared corrupted after all source data sets except the first were deleted, followed by using the "Undo" operation
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Number of segments" value was unexpectedly reset from a hooked value to the default in the "Fit Spline/LOWESS" dialog
  • (Mac) Updated links for the "Help" button in the "Parameters: Fit Spline/LOWESS" dialog and corresponding "Interpret" toolbar button
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Mann-Whitney test" and "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test" radio buttons were incorrectly displayed after toggling between options in the t test dialog
  • (Mac) Renamed the tab in the "Parameters: Simulate XY data" dialog to "Parameter values & column titles" instead of "Parameter values"

Graphing Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue in which incorrect labels were displayed on the X axis of a Nested graph if data had been excluded or deleted from the data table
  • Fixed the issue in which long legends on a graph became disrupted in Mac Prism projects opened on Windows
  • Fixed the issue in which graph axes and labels would appear shifted from their positions after reopening the project
  • Fixed the issue in which graph axes and labels would shift from their positions when page orientation was changed
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which error bars on a column bar graph unexpectedly appeared thinner near the range limit of the axis
  • (Windows) Removed an unexpected thin gap between data sets on a Grouped graph when the settings for the "gap between adjacent data" was set to 0%
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the left side of the graph appeared cut off on a layout sheet after deleting the Y axis title and changing the row label's font style
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which axes grid lines partially disappeared for one segment if the right Y axis and X axis were split into three segments
  • (Mac) Made it possible to change the color of spike bars using the Format Points contextual menu from a data table
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the tooltip for heat map legends displayed truncated values
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which data point symbols on a graph unexpectedly appeared in a color different from the curve after adding transformed data to the graph and applying a color scheme
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which custom symbols which were taken from the "Character Palette" dialog lost their formatting after entering any text in the row title of the source data table
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which data sets that were added from a different data table to "Low-High", "Box & Whiskers", or "Violin" graphs from the Nested family incorrectly appeared as bars
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the format of axes legends on a heat map were not applied after changing it from the "Powers of ten" option to "Decimal"
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the default format for the right Y axis was incorrect if the "Ln (Natural Log)" scale was applied to the left Y axis
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which a heat map that was created from Correlation Matrix analysis appeared almost entirely black when the source data table contained a large number of data sets
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which vertical bar graphs with a custom baseline appeared distorted after changing the graph type to horizontal
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which annotation labels on a graph were cut if there was a gap in the axis
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which some error bars retained a gap - if the graph they were plotted on previously used a segmented axis - after the "Discontinuous axis" checkbox was unchecked in the Format Graph dialog

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash when attempting to write over 257 symbols to Info Notes using a Prism script
  • Removed "ExportPCX" script command from the "Script Syntax" section of "GraphPad Prism Script" dialog
  • Fixed the link to the Curve Fitting Guide from the description of "Absolute IC50, X is log..." in the "Parameters: Nonlinear regression" dialog
  • Fixed the URL to the beta test page in the alert about beta expiration
  • Removed QQ plot as an option for Poisson regression in the "Parameters: Multiple Linear Regression" dialog
  • Improved floating note text: "This analysis was performed by a newer version of Prism, so it cannot be recalculated and it will not update when linked data are changed. Saving this file will result in parameters being lost if this file is re-opened in its original (newer) version."
  • Fixed the issue in which silent activation was not performed when a non-expired license existed
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which a range of highlighted cells was not updated accordingly after inserting a row or column
  • (Windows, 32-bit only) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash upon opening very large projects, and added an alert about the inability of the 32-bit edition to open projects containing too many data points
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would hang after trying to check the "Three-way interactions" checkbox in the "Parameters: Multiple Linear Regression" dialog if the source data contained a huge amount of data
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would hang when switching to the "Compare" tab of the "Parameters: Multiple Linear Regression" dialog if the source data contained a huge number of columns
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash while performing Multiple Linear Regression with more than 100 independent variables
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash after breaking the link to an XLS file from the "Links" dialog if the data table contained data linked to a results sheet
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash after trying to delete all graphs, except for one from gallery mode
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which values could not be entered into the default cell of a new data table created from the "Data+Results" folder in the Navigator
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which thumbnails of results sheets became duplicated after deleting the source data table linked to at least three chained analyses in combined "Data+Results" view in the Navigator
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism returned to gallery mode instead of sheet view when you double click a non-selected sheet from the gallery
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Disk or memory error occurred" alert unexpectedly appeared in an attempt to paste transpose the data into the column title cell
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Disk or memory error occurred" alert unexpectedly appeared when double-clicking in the graphing area of a "Parts of Whole" graph after its data had been deleted
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the name of a graph sheet was unexpectedly changed after editing a linked column title from a data table with brackets [ ] in its name
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which cells copied from MS Excel and pasted into Prism as column titles did not affect the linked graph sheet name
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism's log file generated by executing Prism's script appeared empty
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash while attempting to add a column title from the "Format Data Table" dialog
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash after switching to a Heat map which was created from the Correlation Matrix analysis if the source data contained a large number of data sets
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash when pressing the CTRL+L shortcut while no project was open
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the names of all results sheets in the Data+results folder unexpectedly became bolded on re-ordering by dragging them in the Navigator
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which artifacts would appear on XY data tables with empty error cells during vertical scrolling
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which special characters were lost from linked info tables after performing the "Duplicate Family" operation twice
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Run simulation again" toolbar button was absent for the "Simulate contingency table" results sheet
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which a graph thumbnail was not updated in the gallery after making any changes in the "Format Graph" dialog invoked from the toolbar
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which an info hint on the bottom toolbar did not change position and was truncated while resizing the Navigator
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which a results sheet was duplicated in "Go To Linked Sheet" contextual menu invoked from the Navigator
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which characters were ignored on pasting multi-word titles to column or subcolumn titles in the "Format Data Table" dialog
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which it was impossible to paste a single row of column or subcolumn titles in the Column (or Subcolumn) Titles tab of the "Format Data Table" dialog
  • (Windows) Fixed the "Format Graph" dialog look so that the edit field of the Baseline in the dialog was not corrupted when hovering the mouse over it
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Line" formatting commands in the "Format points" and toolbar button dropdowns were mistakenly enabled for the "Scatter plot with bar" graph type
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the graph preview was incorrect for vertical bar graphs with a custom baseline that had their graph type changed to horizontal
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which selection checkboxes on thumbnails in gallery mode were not scaled properly on high DPI displays
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which the "Hook" icon woudl disappear in the "Hook Constant" dialog on high DPI displays
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which elements of the Navigator would become corrupted and would overlap in the combined "Data+Results" folder view on high DPI displays
  • (Windows) Fixed the alignment of radio buttons in the "Measurement units" section of the Preferences dialog
  • (Windows) Fixed the issue in which unexpected symbols were shown in data set names in the "Select Data Sets" dialog
  • (Windows) Disabled the "Equalize scaling factor" toolbar button and menu item when there was a single graph on a layout
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash after switching to the graph sheet if the source data table was previously deleted and the undo operation was performed
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash while applying shortcuts for switching tabs (CMD+1/2/3...) in the results gallery after switching from sheet view for analysis with tabs
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the wrong graph sheet is displayed after clicking the "Go To" button in the "Place Graph on Layout" dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which an endless calculation process was shown after opening a file saved on a graph due to Prism mistakenly trying to show the "Change Graph Type" dialog while an analysis plotted on the graph was being recalculated
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism unexpectedly displayed a different sheet after changing the sheet order in the Navigator
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash when switching between Prism and other apps after using a Prism script from the GraphPad Prism Script dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash while attempting to run a script that opens a file with a name containing 255 characters
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would crash when opening the Nonlinear regression dialog if identically named .PZF and .PZT files with custom equations were used in the Equations folder
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would freeze while saving a Prism project to LabArchives after logging in to a different LabArchives account
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would select an incorrect range of sheets in the Navigator using the SHIFT modifier key in the combined "Data+Results" view in gallery mode
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which selected thumbnails did not disappear in the gallery mode after deleting them from the "Search Results" folder
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which changes made using the "Format This Violin" contextual menu on a violin plot did not propagate into the "Format Graph" dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which it was not possible to edit "K" values and the "Title" field in the "Parameters: Select and Transform" dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which selection arrows were non-functional in the "Parameters: Simulate 2 x 2 contingency table" dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which decimal places were not automatically determined in a target table after pasting data with a link from a green results sheet to a data table
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the number of subcolumns in the "Format Data Table" dialog were lost after switching between table types
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which a data table unexpectedly appeared instead of a results sheet after clicking "OK" in analysis parameters dialogs after inserting a new data table with a graph
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which it was impossible to select the 95% CI for Median and Error appearance in the "Format Graph" dialog for XY graphs
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which part of linked sheets were not deleted from the Navigator after performing the "Delete Entire Family" operation from the "Family" folder
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Family" folder in the Navigator did not re-appear after performing the "Undo" operation after an entire family had been deleted
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue with syncing options when the wrong pattern style for a bar was shown in the "Format Graph" dialog after the pattern was previously changed using the contextual menu on a graph
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which thumbnails with results sheets unexpectedly appeared in the Navigator after performing the "Delete entire Family" command in gallery mode
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the name of the first subcolumn appeared in a data table instead of "Mean" after a Nested data table was changed to an XY or Grouped data table with error bars calculated elsewhere
  • (Mac) Fixed the alignment of an indication on the bottom status bar of the currently selected cell in "Interpolated Y values"/"Interpolated X values" results of the "Fit Spline/LOWESS" analysis
  • (Mac) Fixed the corrupted hint in the annotation section of the RM Design tab in "Parameters: Two-way ANOVA" dialog when "Correct for multiple comparisons by controlling the False Discovery Rate" test was selected
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Saved example" tab appeared empty after clicking the "Back" button in the "Clone Example" dialog if any graph was cloned previously
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Script Log" tab on the "GraphPad Prism Script" dialog became greyed out when a script error occurs
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which the "Above Bar & Error Bar" sub-tab did not appear highlighted in the "Annotations" tab of the "Format Graph" dialog
  • (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism would paste data incorrectly after selecting the "After rows, start a new column" checkbox in the "Import and Paste Special" dialog

Analyze, graph and present your scientific work easily with GraphPad Prism. No coding required.